EventSustainability Trialling Programme

EventSustainability is an online reporting system for corporates to use to understand and report on the impact of their events in line with UN SDGs and their corporate sustainability goals.

You are invited to trial the beta version of EventSustainability until International Peace Day on the 21st of September. This will start with a launch webinar on the TBC - (Current date 9th of June at 4:00pm (BST), 5:00pm (CET) 11:00am (EDT), 8:00am (PDT). This trialling programme will take 3 hours of your time in conversations with the EventSustainability Team and the rest of the trialling period will be your time to utilized the system to advance your specific sustainability journey as well as identify areas the system needs to be developed.

This will be an opportunity to start taking action on reporting on your event impacts and to be able to provide feedback on the final version of a system which will support your corporate sustainability goals. 

The Agenda for the Trialling Programme:

  1. Welcome webinar exploring how to using EventSustainability

    Date: TBC - current date 9th of June Time: 4:00pm (GMT), 11:00am (EDT), 8:00am (PDT) (1hr)

  2. One on one call to provide feedback and receive support on using the system

    Monday and Thursday afternoon @ 3pm-6pm (GMT) or Tuesday morning @ 9am-12pm (GMT) every other week from the 13th of June until the 14th of July. Note: These session are not mandatory, they are an opportunity for guidance on using the system if needed.

  3. 2 month summer trialling period from the 14th of July - 14th of September

  4. Debrief meeting to gather final feedback

    Taking place on the September the 21st - International Peace Day (1hr)

Extra Information

  • When you agree to take part in this trialling programme, you are also agreeing to terms of the non disclosure agreement for EventSustainability.

  • When you agree to take part in this trialling programme, your company name may be shared with our wider community to encourage their participation.